So drawing lately has revitalized my thought processes of actually doing a Sketchbook. I'm not talking about
'Red Licorice' which is still on the Cards down the track once I find a Publisher. But the cost is still Prohibitive for me I dont make enough to take such a large undertaking.
No I'm thinking a few B/W book of sketches or a comic I got whirlin in my head a story with so much amazing adventure it is just Bursting to get out. So At the Moment this is what it could be a 40 pages of either comic or sketches or possibly both for $15 US thats including the Postage so does that sound like a Good Idea?
I'm not talking about Logopolis either, the strip will remain here for free and I'm sorry I have yet to complete this weeks its in the works But I have my hands full at the moment and truly how can I complain to be working I dont want it to stop.
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