So its really busy in at the cafe today and for some reason my power supply wont work which has me worried as to how I can charge my laptop up. Hopefully its something simple I can fix it. But anyway enough of that I'm still pretty crook and there seems no end t0 it.
I was in town for most the day been thinking of buying a new digital set-top box because my other one broke a year ago. So that might be the way to go not really looking forward to catching a train back home either since i hate the peak time. Oh Well Like I said not much time today as my laptops almost dead from lack of power should be home on thursday to begin regular 'Logopolis' again.
Sorry its such a short one again folks but not much choice. Be Back Soon!!
Monday, February 25, 2008
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Sick Days Part 2

And I needed a pose for a picture I want to use check it out what a dorky superhero....

Friday, February 22, 2008
Sick Days!!
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
A Tasmanian In America COMING SOON!!
Exciting News this week, As you know a couple of weeks ago I mentioned that I was
planning a trip to the United States around Mid-Year and how expensive it would be for
accomodation. So I put forward the notion of people inviting me to stay in their American Homes.
I also posted this on Myspace and was pleasently suprised to have had some positive invites for
me to stay. This not only gives them a great opportunity to meet a Real-Life Tasmanian but also
me to get a real taste of American Culture.
I also intended to film a Documentary on the subject entitled 'A Tasmanian in America!' a fly on the wall documentary finding out the true way of life of Americans the way they are percieved and also Tasmanians from an American perspective!! Also as added incentive american artists will get their art shown in the Doco if time permits!!
So anyway I'm currently in Melbourne visiting family, and while there I have been contacted by Tasmanian Radio who saw my blog to come on Breakfast Radio and talk about this interesting Adventure. I'm Really Suprised, Excited and a little Nervous but if this happens it will hopefully give me the extra added exposure and opportunity I need to maybe get some Sponsorship deals I really need to make this happen in time for July-Aug!!
I also think this would be a great opportunity to spead the word about Tasmania and that we actually do exist and that besides Errol Flynn there are quite a few famous Tasmanian born actors that have been in some Blockbuster films like in the latest 'Transformers' you know the chick with the Aussie accent....yeah her!!
So I think I need to take this to the next level when I get back home I hope to have my new website online I'll be keeping my online art portfolio but it will be taking a backseat while this truly Amazing Trip Happens!!
As always I'll keep you posted as to when and if this radio event is and will happen!!
planning a trip to the United States around Mid-Year and how expensive it would be for
accomodation. So I put forward the notion of people inviting me to stay in their American Homes.
I also posted this on Myspace and was pleasently suprised to have had some positive invites for
me to stay. This not only gives them a great opportunity to meet a Real-Life Tasmanian but also
me to get a real taste of American Culture.
I also intended to film a Documentary on the subject entitled 'A Tasmanian in America!' a fly on the wall documentary finding out the true way of life of Americans the way they are percieved and also Tasmanians from an American perspective!! Also as added incentive american artists will get their art shown in the Doco if time permits!!
So anyway I'm currently in Melbourne visiting family, and while there I have been contacted by Tasmanian Radio who saw my blog to come on Breakfast Radio and talk about this interesting Adventure. I'm Really Suprised, Excited and a little Nervous but if this happens it will hopefully give me the extra added exposure and opportunity I need to maybe get some Sponsorship deals I really need to make this happen in time for July-Aug!!
I also think this would be a great opportunity to spead the word about Tasmania and that we actually do exist and that besides Errol Flynn there are quite a few famous Tasmanian born actors that have been in some Blockbuster films like in the latest 'Transformers' you know the chick with the Aussie accent....yeah her!!
So I think I need to take this to the next level when I get back home I hope to have my new website online I'll be keeping my online art portfolio but it will be taking a backseat while this truly Amazing Trip Happens!!
As always I'll keep you posted as to when and if this radio event is and will happen!!
Saturday, February 16, 2008
Anti-Valentines Day Logopolis 3 of 3
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Logopolis The Movie
I forgot I have a Doctors appointment tomorrow but I will have the 3rd and final Valentine Logopolis at some point within the next 24 hours. Until then heres Logopolis the Movie. Enjoy!!
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Anti-Valentines Day Logopolis 2 of 3
One More to Go see it tomorrow, Thank god its almost Over!!
I'm happy to say I'm also on the mend now from the dispicable Flu, and should be fine for my trip to Melbourne Next Week!!

Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Anti-Valentines Day Logopolis 1 of 3
For the Next three days I will be posting a new Logopolis Cartoon leading upto the single most bias creation this side of a civilised world, Valentines Day!! No other day creates a sense of loss to those single people out there who are without somebody. I really hate it and I hope you agree!!

Monday, February 11, 2008
Do you Want a Tasmanian Staying at your Place?

After that I'm not sure how long I'll be staying for but it may mostly be over the West Coast. It depends on how many people offer to give me free accomodation or tell me where the best and cheapest hotel that doesn't contain drug dealers and giant bugs are located in LA.
But I can't wait to finally meet my long time web mates from the drawing board. And to rub shoulders with Famous People yeah thats right I wanna meet MOVIE STARS too!!!.
So if you have a spare room available in August, wanna meet up and maybe want to show me the real LA sites to a real-life Tasmanian and not show that all Americans are 'the Redneck Gun Toting' kind then let me know its only 5 months away and I've already begun planning. Don't miss out on this great Opportunity of er.......meeting me heheheh!!
Who would have known that comic strips would be so hard to do they are even harder to be funny. But I try and thats all I can do, so in anticipation of Comic-Con please enjoy this weeks Logopolis Cartoon. Also on Thursday a special edition of Logopolis for valentines day!!
Thursday, February 7, 2008
Beware the Blood Suckers

If I had a dollar for everytime someone has asked me for free artwork I would be a rich man!! Its not that I hate doing free stuff it can actually be a great thing for an artist trying to make it big. But sometimes every artist has been burned by doing a good deed.
I once was working for a guy who wanted me to do character designs for some animated project for 'free' of course. He is fairly well known and gave me some info that he had gotten the backing from an animator who had worked on Shrek. I thought this would be a good opportunity!
But as I begun suddenly the workload grew and I was having to start drawing backgrounds and more. Something wasn't quite right. And I began to ask questions and for more information the guy seemed suprised that I wanted to know everything and When I asked for the head animators email he said sure...... and I never heard from him again. This guy still practices his tricks on unsuspecting artists. So now I try to stick to professional writers and clients only.
I know I promised an update everyday this week, but just as I was feeling better I've been really crook yesterday and today so I'm gonna grab a prescription from the chemists and head to the summerhouse for the weekend hopefully I'll be a better when I get back. And I will return to more tales of interest then.
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Return of Logopolis

So what did I get upto this week, well besides being sick, I booked a flight to Australias version of Metropolis 'Melbourne' but the strange thing is I only have a one way ticket!! I plan to comeback to tassie, just don't know when. I'll be there from the 19th of February but as usual I'll blog it so you don't miss out on my adventures.
I got a chance to watch 'STARDUST' tonight an interesting film in that some of its stars get killed off and I was like yeah but he's a big name. But I was more pleased that Ricky Gervais was finally got his just desserts No I never found 'The Office' funny in fact it was way overated!! But I like movies like this Unpredictable, and keeps the audience unsure as to where its heading. As a good example see Mars Attacks where everybody died!! LOVE IT!!
Claire Danes what happened to her eyebrows?? I think she was taking a page out of Natalie Portmans book from Revenge of the Sith totally Yuck!!
hmmm... what else is news ahhhhh yes big...BIG news coming soon. I'm really stoked as to its importance. And its been a long time coming!! What is it?? well can't say....Yet!! I'll save it for April when its closer to the release date!!
Okay gotta run More Posts Tomorrow!!
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