Wednesday, July 30, 2008

From California With Love!!

I'm staying in Los Angeles for the next two weeks, for the most part the people are friendly with a few weirdos in the Mix. Last week I was taking photos of Downtown LA when a guy in a suit asked me where I was from and told me that I shouldn't be taking photos since people may think I'm an undercover terrorist.

Sigh We have a word for such a person 'Wanker' 'Tosser' errr 'Get A Life' but you know I'm in a foreign country a LONG way from home. I mean there are some places where you can't show affection in public. I might move there ya know.

A Map of Australia MINUS Tasmania!!
At Comic-Con last week I had my portfolio reviewed and was very nervous. I left with a very Positive Review infact it was better than I expected and I hope to discuss this once I get more pictures posted up with more stories to tell!!.

1 comment:

  1. wow! Nice meeting you, sorry I was buried in my sketchbook!


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